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"Cultural Identity and Place in Adult Korean-American Intercountry Adoptees. " Adoption Quarterly 3. 1 (1999): 15–48. Print. Oh, Arissa H. "From War Waif to Ideal Immigrant: The Cold War Transformation of the Korean Orphan. " Journal of American Ethnic History 31. 4 (2012): 34–55. "A New Kind of Missionary Work: Christians, Christian Americanists, and the Adoption of Korean GI Babies, 1955–1961. " Women's Studies Quarterly 33. 3/4 (2005): 161–88. Print. Palmer, John D. The Dance of Identities: Korean Adoptees and Their Journey toward Empowerment. Honolulu: U of Hawai'i P, 2011. Print. Park Nelson, Kim. "Korean Looks, American Eyes: Korean American Adoptees, Race, Culture and Nation. " Diss. U of Minnesota, 2009. ""Loss Is More Than Sadness": Reading Dissent in Transracial Adoption Melodrama in The Language of Blood and First Person Plural. " Adoption and Culture 1. 1 (2007): 101–28. "Shopping for Children. 89–104. Print. Pate, SooJin. "Genealogies of Korean Adoption: American Empire, Militarization, and Yellow Desire.

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