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4 Learn about health communication online at GW. Environmental and Occupational Health Professionals in environmental and occupational health work to better understand the impact that various environmental and occupational hazards may have on human health. Organizations such as the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency or the Occupational Safety and Health Administration may employ individuals with this specialty. The median annual wage for occupational health and safety specialists was $74, 100 in May 2019. 5 Learn more about environmental and occupational health online at GW. Political Scientist Political scientists work to enhance, change, and design public health policies that affect large populations at the local, national and international levels. Political scientists work in both public and private organizations. These professionals gather data, leverage research, and forecast socioeconomic trends. Political scientists can earn up to $122, 220 annually. 6 Learn about health policy online at GW.

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Criteria included such activities as contributing to the company's success by serving a customer without the supervisor needing to ask for your help. Each employee, who met the stated criteria, received a thank you note, hand-written by the supervisor. The note spelled out exactly why the employee received the recognition. The note included the opportunity for the employee to draw a gift from a box in the office. Gifts ranged from fast food restaurant gift certificates and candy to a gold dollar and substantial cash rewards. The employee drew the reward without knowing the value of the gift, so no supervisory interference in the amount of the award was perceived. A duplicate of the thank you note was placed into a periodic drawing for even more substantial reward and recognition opportunities. A copy of the thank you note was placed in the employee's personnel file for ongoing documentation of employee performance. More Tips About Recognition and Performance Management Strive for Consistency Across the Organization If you attach recognition to real accomplishments and goal achievement as negotiated in a performance development planning meeting, you need to make sure that the recognition meets the above-stated requirements.

All businesses need to have some kind of system in place to track their income and expenses. This course will teach you all you need to know about accounting and how it allows you to make powerful financial decisions. If you are a business owner, bookkeeper or a soon to be business owner or bookkeeper... Bookkeeping is an essential part to any business.... Monday May 3rd, 10am - 6pm Eastern Time (3 sessions) QuickBooks Basic We are offering a QuickBooks Basic Course that will teach you how to navigate QuickBooks, create a company file, set up inventory, work with vendors (writing checks, paying bills) and customers (creating invoices, receipts, receive payments), managing payroll, doing bank reconciliation and creating reports. These topics will give you a great start... We are offering a QuickBooks Basic Course that will... Wednesday Jun 9th, 10am - 6pm Eastern Time QuickBooks Advanced This Advance course is for someone who wants to become a power user, freelance bookkeeper, QuickBooks consultant, or an accountant who has clients with QuickBooks.

Tue, 22 Jun 2021 21:58:25 +0000