It would be fair to say that the average traditional funeral in Texas can cost around $10, 000. In recent years there has been a greater demand for alternative, and indeed more affordable funerals. The interest in cremation services in Texas has increased because it offers such a cheaper option than a traditional burial service. The cost of a cremation in Texas can be under $1, 000, so a meaningful and affordable funeral can be achieved for a tenth of the cost of an elaborate traditional funeral service. Cremation services in Texas Texas law prohibits cremating any dead human body within 48 hours after death. A body cannot be cremated immediately following death without a waiver, only the County Medical Examiner or a Justice of the Peace may waive this time requirement. After the mandatory waiting period, the cremation can be performed. The legal next of kin must sign a cremation authorization form and a cremation permit will be issued. Texas cremation services with a memorial A cremation service with a memorial is really not much different from a burial service, only the deceased is cremated instead of buried.

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Payroll processing requires performing many tasks to ensure accurately processed paychecks and payroll tax and benefits compliance. Having a checklist helps the payroll staff to stay on schedule and ensures no chore is undone. The checklist may vary according to the size of the payroll and the system being used. Still, some standard tasks apply. Employee Record The checklist's first step should be to check for--and make--the necessary adjustments to employees' payroll record. This includes address changes, pay raises and deductions, payroll deduction changes, setting up new hires and processing terminated employees. Time Keeping Hourly workers are paid according to hours worked in the pay cycle. Therefore, payroll processing includes figuring the hours to pay them. The checklist should include all time-keeping tasks, such as ensuring time cards/time sheets are submitted appropriately, time computations and printing time sheet registers (if applicable). Wage Processing The checklist should include things to check for when paying wages.

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Wed, 23 Jun 2021 06:50:59 +0000