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  2. Air conditioner maintenance and service

What happened to Johnny you might ask? Well, he learned his lesson about neglecting his air conditioner and now he has a professional service take care of it for him. Air Conditioner Maintenance | Maintaining Comfort

Air conditioner maintenance pdf

A home's HVAC system is an integral part of its functioning. Think of your home as one big machine, and the HVAC system is one of those vital parts that helps your home operate in the best way possible. The result of the proper functioning, of course, is a comfortable living environment for you and your family. When you maintain your HVAC system the right way, you not only sustain the comfort of your home but also reduce expenses and overheads that you would otherwise have to incur due to repairs and fixes. HVAC maintenance is a process, no doubt, so we've curated a list of "must-do" steps that you absolutely cannot ignore: Filter it out For starters, the filters are an extremely important component of your HVAC system. Why? Because they do the basic job of filtering out the warm air and replacing it with cool air. Of course, that's only a very simplified explanation of what they do, but it's enough to understand that filters require cleaning too, periodically. Dust, grime and other dirt particles in the air tend to get stuck in the filters, and it's essential for you to take them our and un-clog them at least once in 2 months.

Air conditioner maintenance and service

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