How to maintain hygiene in the belly button? Wash the belly button area every day with an antibacterial soap. Also, ensure that the area is pat dried after the wash. This routine is particularly important for those who have a navel piercing. Allow the navel scab over entirely. The scab is a crucial part of the process of healing. Thus, do not scratch or pick at the navel. If you have an infection already, do not use any cosmetic products in the area, even those with the label of "antiseptic". It is better to use salty warm water to clean the area and then pat dry. What others have to say about belly button bleeding? "One fine day, my navel began to hurt very badly when I pushed on it. There was some redness around the navel skin. After a few days, my belly button began seeping very dreadful smelling pus. The blood also came out after every few minutes and the redness and the pain was gone. After some weeks, there is no oozing of pus from the navel frequently. But, it happens occasionally, with the unpleasant smell.

Benefits of waiting to cut the umbilical cord

If the piercing is not done correctly, or proper care is not done afterwards, this area might catch infection. It is also important to note that this infection in the navel may get communicated to others as well. Thus, you must be very careful if you are suffering an infection due to piercing. Some other causes Sometimes, you might be under more serious conditions like problems in your reproductive system or in your abdomen. What can you do about bleeding from the navel? Seek the doctor consultation immediately if you see even a small amount of bleeding from the navel. If this condition is left untreated, it may result in serious complications. If you leave it untreated, it may spread in the abdomen and cause other problems as well. The doctors can do the appropriate examination and conduct tests to determine the cause of infection. You may be prescribed antibiotic medicines and anti-fungal creams to heal the wound. Even if you do not see any other symptoms except bleeding, you must not delay to seek treatment.

Babies born early (called premature babies) may have more health problems at birth and later in life than babies born on time. This is why it's important to wait until at least 39 weeks for a scheduled c-section. If your pregnancy is healthy, it's best to let labor begin on its own. If your provider talks to you about scheduling a c-section, ask if you can wait until at least 39 weeks to have your baby. This gives your baby's lungs and brain all the time they need to fully grow and develop before he's born. If there are problems with your pregnancy or your baby's health, you may need to have your baby earlier than 39 weeks. In these cases, your provider may recommend an early birth because the benefits outweigh the risks. Having a c-section before 39 weeks of pregnancy is recommended only if there are health problems that affect you and your baby. If your provider recommends scheduling a c-section, ask these questions: Why do I need to have a c-section? Is there a problem with my health or the health of my baby makes it necessary to have my baby before 39 weeks?

For basic newborn resuscitation, if there is experience in providing effective positive-pressure ventilation without cutting the umbilical cord, ventilation can be initiated before cutting the cord (2). * This is an extract from the relevant guidelines (1-3). Additional guidance information can be found in these documents. References 1. WHO. Guideline: Delayed umbilical cord clamping for improved maternal and infant health and nutrition outcomes. Geneva, World Health Organization; 2014 (). 2. Guidelines on basic newborn resuscitation. Geneva, World Health Organization; 2012 (). 3. WHO recommendations for the prevention and treatment of postpartum haemorrhage; 2012 ().

Morning (and noon and night) sickness: Despite the name, this pregnancy symptom can happen at any time of the day or night. Nausea can happen as early as two weeks into a pregnancy or it can start a few months after conception. Not everyone experiences nausea and there are various levels of nausea. You can have nausea without vomiting—this changes from woman to woman. About half of pregnant women have vomiting. Though nausea during pregnancy is fairly normal, it can be a problem if you become dehydrated. Women who cannot keep down food and fluids because of extreme nausea could have a condition called hyperemesis gravidarum. Contact your healthcare provider if you are experiencing extreme nausea and dehydration. Sore (and enlarging) breasts: Your breasts can become tender to the touch during pregnancy. The soreness may be similar to the way breasts feel before a period, only more so. Your nipples might also begin to darken and enlarge. This soreness is temporary and fades once your body gets used to the increased hormones.

Waiting to cut the umbilical cord benefits

Or a c-section may be an emergency. An emergency c-section has to be done immediately because your health or your baby's health is in danger. If there are medical reasons to schedule your c-section, talk to your provider about waiting until at least 39 weeks of pregnancy. This gives your baby the time she needs to grow and develop before birth. Scheduling a c-section should be for medical reasons only. What are medical reasons for a c-section? You may need a c-section because of complications that make vaginal birth unsafe for you or your baby. For example: Complications during pregnancy You've had a c-section in the past or you've had other surgeries on your uterus (womb). The more c-sections you have, the greater your risk for pregnancy complications. Some women can safely have a vaginal birth after they've had a c-section. This is called a VBAC. If you've had a c-section in the past, talk to your provider to see if VBAC may be possible in your next pregnancy. There are problems with the placenta, such as placenta previa, which can cause dangerous bleeding during vaginal birth.

Mood swings: As your hormones continue to change, you could experience mood swings. This is normal and can happen throughout pregnancy. However, if you ever feel anxious, depressed or have thoughts of harming yourself, it's important to reach out to your healthcare provider. Could I have the symptoms of early pregnancy and not be pregnant? Many of the symptoms of early pregnancy overlap with other medical conditions, as well as your typical menstrual cycle. Premenstrual symptoms can be very similar to pregnancy symptoms. This can make it difficult to tell the difference. You can also miss a period without being pregnant. This can happen when you exercise in extreme amounts, lose or gain a lot of weight, or even are stressed. Breastfeeding can also cause your period to stop for a while. The best way to know you're pregnant is to take a pregnancy test. If you have missed a period and think there's a chance you could be pregnant, consider taking a test. When should I call my doctor about a new pregnancy?

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  • WHO | Optimal timing of cord clamping for the prevention of iron deficiency anaemia in infants
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  • Waiting to cut the umbilical cord benefits

These professionals are concerned that, during placental separation, a partially detached placenta could be exposed to maternal blood and this could lead to a micro-transfusion of maternal blood to the baby. The evidence shows that the benefits of delaying cord clamping for 1-3 minute outweighs the risks of transmission of HIV. HIV testing should be offered intrapartum, if not already done. WHO recommends that all HIV positive pregnant and breastfeeding women and their infants should receive appropriate antiretroviral (ARV) drugs to prevent mother to child transmission of HIV. Thus, the proven benefits of at least a 1–3 minute delay in clamping the cord outweigh the theoretical, and unproven, harms. Delayed cord clamping is recommended even among women living with HIV or women with unknown HIV status. HIV status should be ascertained at birth, if not already known, and HIV positive women and infants should receive the appropriate ARV drugs. Delayed umbilical cord clamping should not be confused with milking of the cord.

The placenta grows in your uterus and supplies the baby with food and oxygen through the umbilical cord. You have an infection, like HIV or genital herpes. You can pass these infections to your baby during vaginal birth. So a c-section is safer for your baby. You have a medical condition that may make vaginal birth risky, like diabetes or high blood pressure. Diabetes is when you have too much sugar in your blood. This can damage organs in your body, like blood vessels and nerves. High blood pressure is when the force of blood against the walls of the blood vessels is too high. It can stress your heart and cause problems during pregnancy. You're having multiples (twins, triplets or more). Complications that affect your baby and labor and birth Your labor doesn't progress. This means it's too slow or stops. Your baby is very large. Your baby isn't in a head-down position for birth. If your baby is in a breech position, it means his bottom or feet are facing down. A transverse position is when your baby's shoulder is facing down.

Wed, 23 Jun 2021 16:48:44 +0000